Monthly Archives: February 2015

No Cancelation- #BigOrangeScrew Once Again

Yes, that is an actual image of the bridge on campus not salted, not cleared off, and a dinky yellow sign that says caution wet floor. This was an image passed around on the #bigorangescrew hashftage on the 18th of this month during the terrible conditions that had forced many students, faculty, and other staff to stay home.

If you don’t remember, last year in January and February, there was a great deal of snow and the administration did a poor job of handling the situation. It is not uncommon for the University of Tennessee in Knoxville to not close the school despite the harsh weather conditions. Granted how the state and local government responds to the issue is another matter. This post will be focusing on how the University has handled it.

Now the Knox News Sentienal, a local newspaper, brings out this article as the University’s official reason as to why it doesn’t close. I started choking as I started to read it.


Here is the reason why I think that. When I was looking at @UTKnoxville’s twitter account I noticed they shared this.

You can see why I can bull on the whole story that they don’t close because of an incident that is over 50 years old.

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What Color I thought #TheDress was (it’s weird)!

Some things, no matter how ridiculous, are just too fun to talk about. That is why I love the internet so much.

In this case we are talking about #TheDress. It has ruined families, relationships, and confused individuals to the point people are asking scientists and physicists as to what is going on?

I had gone to bed very early the night before, I was exhausted from a day of nothing but studying, being a little depressed, and watching DVR of reality shows (class was canceled again). When I woke up and checked my twitter feed this morning I see arguments of white and gold vs. Black and blue. Confused, I investigated. It all began on tumblr over friends debating over the color of a dress.

When I saw the dress, my first reaction was ‘what the?’


I couldn’t see black in it at all! I saw light blue, but I didn’t see black. To me the other color was coppery bronze color. I thought it was light blue & a coppery color.

Yes, I know I am weird.

News articles, gag sites, and the company itself who made the dress are talking about this dress. According to wired it all comes down to science. How our eyes process low lighting.

Even though it is ridiculous I can’t help but laugh.

Here are some of my favorite memes I have come across that showcase TheDress issue:
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Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 8.01.12 PM




What color did you see? What do you think of #TheDress phenomenon? Do you have a favorite meme that has been made as a result of the dress? Let me know in the comments below!


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50 Signs That Show You Can Read (or Watch) 50 Shades of Grey, Without Falling under its Spell

The Movie is coming out this weekend and all I can do is shudder. Many people around the world have read this abuse book disguised as erotica and have fallen under its spell. Sadly many of those same people will go out and watch the movie too (granted the script will probably be better than the book because they have someone who can write.) This makes me depressed.

There are those of us of course who recognize all these problems and still come out alive, but perhaps a little bit scarred as a result. You have my sympathies, but at least we are informed.

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50 Classic Stories to Read (Instead of 50 Shades of Grey)

These books are stimulating and there is usually more than just romance in the story. There is this crazy thing called plot and it just happens to be well written too! In fact you might learn something. Some have happy endings, while others are tragic. Either way, you don’t need badly written erotica to learn more about yourself.

A List of Classic Stories that I would read over 50 Shades of Grey any day:

  1. Pride and Prejudice
  2. Persuasion
  3. Northanger Abbey
  4. Emma
  5. Mansfield Park
  6. Sense and Sensibility
  7. Wuthering Heights
  8. Jane Eyre
  9. Romeo and Juliet
  10. Much Ado About Nothing
  11. The Great Gatsby
  12. Les Miserables
  13. Gone with the Wind
  14. Anna Karina
  15. Their Eyes were Watching God
  16. Madam Bovary
  17. Casablanca (it was a play before a movie)
  18. Dangerous Liaisons
  19. Oliver Twist
  20. Fathers and Sons
  21. The Color Purple
  22. Vanity Fair
  23. I, Robot
  24. Growing up Rich
  25. Foundations Trilogy
  26. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  27. The Hobbit
  28. Of Mice and Men
  29. Tender is the Night
  30. Slaughterhouse-Five
  31. The Man in the Iron Mask
  32. Atlas Shrugged
  33. Heart of Darkness
  34. The Sun Also Rises
  35. Moby Dick
  36. The Count of Monte Cristo
  37. Cat’s Cradle
  38. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  39. The Rum Diary
  40. The Pillars of the Earth
  41. Ender’s Game
  42. Persepolis
  43. Maus
  44. I Know Why The Caged Birds Sing
  45. The Three Musketeers
  46. A Lesson Before Dying
  47. The Scarlet Letter
  48. Little Women
  49. Dracula
  50. The Bell Jar

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50 Movies To See on Valentine’s Day (Not 50 Shades of Grey)

I know my boyfriend is very thankful that I have no desire (okay that isn’t true, I have a smidgen of desire to see the movie, I wouldn’t want to pay money on the movie though) to see 50 Shades of Grey that is coming out Valentine’s Day.

I have come up with a list of movies that is currently playing or are coming to theaters this Valentine’s Day weekend in theatre (depending on your location and availability of course):

  1.  Jupiter Ascending
  2. Seventh Son
  3. Old Fashioned
  4. Kinsman: The Secret Service
  5. The Last Five Years
  6. The Spongebob Movie
  7. Project Almanac
  8. The Loft
  9. Boy Next Door
  10. Black Sea
  11. Love, Rosie
  12. Somewhere Only We Know
  13. What We Do in the Shadows
  14. American Sniper
  15. Strange Magic
  16. Blackhat
  17. Paddington
  18. The Wedding Ringer
  19. Black or White
  20. Mortdecai
  21. Pass the Light
  22. The Imitation Game
  23. Spare Parts
  24. Cake
  25. Mommy
  26. Still Alice
  27. Selma
  28. Song One
  29. Red Army
  30. Taken 3
  31. Big Hero 6
  32. The Hobbit: Desolation of Smuag
  33. A Most Violent Year
  34. Inherent Vice
  35. The Theory of Everything
  36. Interstellar
  37. Nightcrawler
  38. Whiplash
  39. Into the Woods
  40. Wild
  41. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
  42. The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death
  43. Song of the Sea
  44. Two Days, One Night
  45. Top Five
  46. Penguins of Madagascar
  47. The Rewrite
  48. Annie
  49. Birdman
  50. Gone Girl

Although #8 & #9 are creepy, at least it doesn’t pretend to be a romance like 50 Shades of Grey. Now I know some on the list  have been out for a while, there are still quite a few movie theaters showing these movies. It all depends on what theater you go to. I am using the movies that are available in East Tennessee up till Valentine’s Day.

What movie would you rather see on Valentine’s Day than 50 Shades of Grey?Let me know in the comments below!

Want to see other Lists involving 50 Shades of Grey. Click Here!


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Lists about 50 Shades of Grey

It is February and for some many are dreading Valentine’s Day. For me, I am dreading the release (and the madness to follow) of 50 Shades of Grey.

On the way home from classes, my boyfriend and I were talking about the upcoming movie and how we hope it will flop (sadly the reality is, many people will go to see it because it is popular). Somehow we began coming up with ideas of what would be more stimulating than reading the series or watching it. Soon it grew and now we have so many lists ideas that it I will probably be posting different lists regarding this throughout the month.

The List will be updated through the month:



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OOTD: Feeling a Little British

I believe this is my very first OOTD (outfit of the day) post here on my blog! I am so excited.

The reason why I am doing this is because I was given a great honor to review a product.* I loved the look of the product and it felt great. More of my quick review on the product here!

When I first got this in the mail, I was very excited. I knew I wanted to wear it and give an example outfit to help people out. To be honest my first thought was, ‘Oh God, I don’t know how to wear this.’

It sounds weird, but it is true. If it was up to me, I would usually just pair it with jeans, and since it is cold and rainy out, wear a sweatshirt (which would defeat the purpose of the OOTD post, cause I wanted to showcase it) or I would have worn a really thick rain jacket. I had to wait for a day that wasn’t too cold, so I could just wear a jacket underneath. Eventually I decided just to wear a long sleeve underneath.

Now to the outfit itself!  IMG_5796

Top: Jordandene
Jacket: Forever 21 (2 years old)
Grey Jeggings: Walmart (2 years old)
Brown Boots: Thrift Store
Umbrella: My moms (she doesn’t remember where she got it)
Earrings: no idea, they are the oldest thing I’m wearing!

Looking back, the only thing I am still not sure I like when it comes to this outfit is the shoes with the grey jeggings. I didn’t have a pair of black boots since they were destroyed last year by the snow, they were stained and it already had some hole damage in them that even though I loved them so much I had to say goodbye. I had to stick with the pair of brown boots instead. Not perfect, but hey, I am just getting started in this part.

Another thing upon learning to do my first OOTD blog post is that I need a better camera, for now I will have to stick with my boyfriends new iPhone until it is possible to get a new camera. Can I just say that it is really awkward having someone take your picture while there are other people around you staring at you? It is very awkward.

Dying to have this shirt…well I have a giveaway  for you. Click Here

*I am not being paid to review this product or sponsor it. I am reviewing this with complete honesty. If I didn’t like the product or how it felt I would have returned the product immediately after I had reviewed it. If unable to do that I would have given it away.


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