Tag Archives: winter

No Cancelation- #BigOrangeScrew Once Again

Yes, that is an actual image of the bridge on campus not salted, not cleared off, and a dinky yellow sign that says caution wet floor. This was an image passed around on the #bigorangescrew hashftage on the 18th of this month during the terrible conditions that had forced many students, faculty, and other staff to stay home.

If you don’t remember, last year in January and February, there was a great deal of snow and the administration did a poor job of handling the situation. It is not uncommon for the University of Tennessee in Knoxville to not close the school despite the harsh weather conditions. Granted how the state and local government responds to the issue is another matter. This post will be focusing on how the University has handled it.

Now the Knox News Sentienal, a local newspaper, brings out this article as the University’s official reason as to why it doesn’t close. I started choking as I started to read it.


Here is the reason why I think that. When I was looking at @UTKnoxville’s twitter account I noticed they shared this.

You can see why I can bull on the whole story that they don’t close because of an incident that is over 50 years old.

Continue reading

I Am Getting Really Tired of the Cold

cold and wetWhen I woke up a few mornings ago I woke up to my body shivering despite the fact I was under 4 blankets and I was wearing a sweatshirt. It didn’t help that the heat in our dorm had been turned off. I’m guessing they turned the heat off because the one day we had really warm weather.

This is Tennessee, the weather is all over the place. In the beginning it can feel like summer, by the end of the day it could be snowing.  You would think that the people who work here would realize that just because it is warm the one day, doesn’t mean it will be warm the next day.

I am just sick of this crazy weather. At the moment the weather outside is pretty nice. I was able to go out in only a sweatshirt, it felt really weird. There were people running round in shorts. Welcome to Tennessee.

I am just ready for spring to be here already. I’m not even talking about for fashion reasons either. If it is not going to snow, it shouldn’t be so darn cold all the time.

I know this coming week it will still be colder in the mornings and evenings, but I am very glad that for most of the day it will be warmer.

I can’t wait for spring.



Let It Go- Elsa

Let It Go- Elsa

Long formal dress

Olivia Riegel photo frame
$135 – bloomingdales.com
