Category Archives: On the Screen

My 5 Favorite Superbowl Commercials of 2016

A lot of the commercials weren’t that great this year, like everything else relating to the superbowl this year, it was very meh. Still I was able to enjoy some of the commercials and there were some that were rememberable, for amusing reasons.

In a way, this should have been titled 5 Superbowl Commercials I found amusing, but I’m not gonna change it now.

Here we go.

5.) #Ballogize with Steve Harvey

I was surprised to see Steve Harvey in this commercial and I loved the fact he made fun of himself over the recent mistake he made this past Miss Universe pageant. Same time T-Mobile is calling out Verizon, which is hilarious.

I even found the extended version of the commercial to be enjoyable and not a waste of time.


4.) Chasing A Prius #GoPriusGo

I really liked this commercial, acknowledging the joke that is the Prius, they gave it an amusing storyline and it made me think of the OJ Simpson case. Instead of murdering people, this was occurring because they stole from a bank.

I have to say though, I was amazed by the gas milage.

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Things Aren’t Fine, Fine Bros

Today we are talking about the internet, more specifically youtube. Before I share my actual opinion, I am going to try to present as much information on this subject as possible in this one post for you to see. Since trying to find all this information in one place is like herding cats.

After that is all done, than I will share my opinion on this matter. Grab your popcorn, get something to drink ,and get comfortable.

All right, let us begin!


If you don’t know who The Fine Bros are, they created a bunch of react video series on youtube. Kids react, Elders react, youtubers react, teens react,etc. It has always been pretty popular.

Well, not anymore.

This past weekend they uploaded a video to youtube (which they have since taken off their channel). This guy below does a reaction video to it and has the whole video in this video as a result. He is well spoken and really cool to listen to btw,  one of the few good things to come out of this fiasco.

As a result of this announcement, many people were outraged and expressed there feelings on youtube, some were pretty calm like this guy. Others used satire.

Some youtubers were just downright angry. This next two videos uses curses and flips the bird, so be warned.

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Why Do People Still Believe Apollo?

People keep using the fact that Apollo has text messages as proof that Phaedra has cheated.

Before I continue with that though, let’s examine Apollo’s behavior and his past with a list.

  • He has been to jail before.
  • He has lied to Phaedra on multiple occasions
  • He has committed Fraud
  • He punches holes in the walls
  • Threatens Phaedra
  • Threatens to burn down the house
  • Gets enraged over the locks being changed and demands to know why
  • Approaches Phaedra with an electric screwdriver and tells her to not call the police
  • Shows up late to prison
  • We now know that he has threatened her from prison through a letter!

Do I need to go on?

Now since this man has lied multiple times about the most ridiculous things, has committed fraud, and has been violent why are people taking what he says seriously?

Look at this fake conversation I had made!

Look at this fake conversation I had made!

Just through a google search I found numerous sites here, here, and here just to start. Now if a man is able to commit bank fraud, I’m sure he can find a way to create fake texts. Anyone can make a facebook profile use another persons image and create a fake conversation.

I made a fake conversation that took less than 5 minutes. I don’t think it would be a problem for Apollo to do it.

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments below!


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50 Signs That Show You Can Read (or Watch) 50 Shades of Grey, Without Falling under its Spell

The Movie is coming out this weekend and all I can do is shudder. Many people around the world have read this abuse book disguised as erotica and have fallen under its spell. Sadly many of those same people will go out and watch the movie too (granted the script will probably be better than the book because they have someone who can write.) This makes me depressed.

There are those of us of course who recognize all these problems and still come out alive, but perhaps a little bit scarred as a result. You have my sympathies, but at least we are informed.

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50 Movies To See on Valentine’s Day (Not 50 Shades of Grey)

I know my boyfriend is very thankful that I have no desire (okay that isn’t true, I have a smidgen of desire to see the movie, I wouldn’t want to pay money on the movie though) to see 50 Shades of Grey that is coming out Valentine’s Day.

I have come up with a list of movies that is currently playing or are coming to theaters this Valentine’s Day weekend in theatre (depending on your location and availability of course):

  1.  Jupiter Ascending
  2. Seventh Son
  3. Old Fashioned
  4. Kinsman: The Secret Service
  5. The Last Five Years
  6. The Spongebob Movie
  7. Project Almanac
  8. The Loft
  9. Boy Next Door
  10. Black Sea
  11. Love, Rosie
  12. Somewhere Only We Know
  13. What We Do in the Shadows
  14. American Sniper
  15. Strange Magic
  16. Blackhat
  17. Paddington
  18. The Wedding Ringer
  19. Black or White
  20. Mortdecai
  21. Pass the Light
  22. The Imitation Game
  23. Spare Parts
  24. Cake
  25. Mommy
  26. Still Alice
  27. Selma
  28. Song One
  29. Red Army
  30. Taken 3
  31. Big Hero 6
  32. The Hobbit: Desolation of Smuag
  33. A Most Violent Year
  34. Inherent Vice
  35. The Theory of Everything
  36. Interstellar
  37. Nightcrawler
  38. Whiplash
  39. Into the Woods
  40. Wild
  41. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
  42. The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death
  43. Song of the Sea
  44. Two Days, One Night
  45. Top Five
  46. Penguins of Madagascar
  47. The Rewrite
  48. Annie
  49. Birdman
  50. Gone Girl

Although #8 & #9 are creepy, at least it doesn’t pretend to be a romance like 50 Shades of Grey. Now I know some on the list  have been out for a while, there are still quite a few movie theaters showing these movies. It all depends on what theater you go to. I am using the movies that are available in East Tennessee up till Valentine’s Day.

What movie would you rather see on Valentine’s Day than 50 Shades of Grey?Let me know in the comments below!

Want to see other Lists involving 50 Shades of Grey. Click Here!


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5 Fandoms that Made Me Who I Am Today

It is really hard for me to say when I became a fangirl. I think because of the family I grew up in I was born to be a nerd and geek. With my father he love of science, star trek, science fiction books, comic books, etc. My mother love crafts, phantom of the opera, romance books, books in general, and when she become obsessed with it, she sucked the life out of that obsession until she sucked the life out of it and than moves onto the next fandom.

I was born to be a fangirl.

I had to think for a long time about this. I was wracking my brain, trying to go through the mess I call my memories to figure out what began my way to being a fangirl.

What were the 5 fandoms that started it all?


1.) American Revolution History & 1776

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I know everyone is probably looking like this the image below, but hear me out.


The reason why I have this at number one is because between the Musical 1776 that I remember watching when I was a little girl in Rhode Island, learning about American Revolutionary history during my trips to Boston, and just growing up in a household that encouraged learning- I was hooked to this aspect of history. Practically every time in history class when we got around to this topic I was excited. I still remember the huge paper diagram we did in my 5th grade class of the “Road to Revolution.”

Wish I had a picture of it, it was awesome.

I know the musical is inaccurate and I know that not all aspects of the American Revolution are things to aspire to, but the history is something I have always geeked out about. This helped develop my love of backstory, connecting past, present, and future. It also helped appreciate the history of my country.

2.) Fairy Tales & Disney


I tried to take a picture of my moms book, but it kept turning out terribly (I think there is something up with my camera) , so I borrowed another persons and linked it in the photo credit.

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Fairy Tales and Disney for me went hand in hand when I was younger. For Halloween I have been Aurora, Jasmine, and Belle (twice).  I loved Disney and Fairy Tales. As I got older I fell in love with the book my mom had, The World’s Best Fairy Tales (Readers Digest Anthology).  It had beautiful illustrations in it and different fairy tales in it. That is when I learned of that Disney had changed some of these tales, which seeing how The Little Mermaid originally ended. I’m okay with the new ending.

Thanks to fairy tales, I am okay with the fantastical and different.

3.) Scooby-Doo

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I didn’t Cartoon Network when I was younger so I was unable to watch Scooby-Doo, but I was able to read the Scooby-Doo comics. My dad would go to the comic book store all the time, I even went with him sometimes. I don’t remember how I started getting the Scooby-Doo comic books, but once I started getting them, I haven’t stopped reading comics since. I don’t read the Scooby-Doo Comics anymroe, not because I don’t like them, but because I have expanded my comic book reading and I want to go beyond the meddling kids ending (even though that phrase still brings me a smile). It was all because of Scooby-Doo comics I began reading about Batman, Superman, X-Men, Thor, and various other comics I now read.

4.) Babylon 5

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The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace. A self-contained world five miles long, located in neutral territory. A place of commerce and diplomacy for a quarter of a million humans and aliens. A shining beacon in space, all alone in the night. It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind…the year the Great War came upon us all. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2259. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

I still geekgagasm whenever I hear these words. Since this series first came out when I was too young to understand, I wasn’t able to appreciate it as much. Yes, I would watch a few episodes with my parents and I really enjoyed the story. It helped cultivate my love for sci-fi, fantasy, and space. Later on as I got older I began watching the full series on DVD and I became hooked. Although I was sad and disappointed by the last season, it was still good and it still has left its mark on my geek heart.

5.) Harry Potter

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The Book that finally helped me confirm who and what I was- a geek. Believe it or not, it took me three times to read the first chapter before I could get into it. It just felt a little slow for me at first. I finally got into though and once I did, look out.

I didn’t know another geek like me out there (among people I knew, not on the internet). I was on Mugglenet, HP Lexicon, The Leaky Cauldron, Potter Talk, HP Companion, and JK Rowlings website. I began reading HP fanfiction while waiting for the next book to come out. I found a whole new world where others geeked out like me, loved the back story, analyzed all the details and tried to figure out what happens next.

Although I was also disappointed with the ending of this book and series, I still love it and it still has a place in my heart.

For me, even though I may no longer obsess some of these fandoms as hard as I did back in the day, they still have a place in the heart.


What fandoms started your way onto becoming a geek?

Inspired by The Nerdy Girlie

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5 Halloween Movies I’ll Be Watching This Year

Halloween is almost upon us! I am so excited and slightly stressed, for I haven’t shopped for my costume yet.


I should be okay though. Hopefully ,I can gather something from the thrift store to make my costume. My boyfriends costume is so much easier, sigh. I won’t tell you what my costume will be, but look here to see which characters I am thinking of dressing up as for Halloween.

To get in the Halloween spirit and mood these are the movies I will be watching.

1.) Sleepy Hollow & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

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I know these are two different movies, so I kind of cheated, but they are based off the same story by Washington Irving.

The first one I watched every Halloween for the longest time on VHS when I was a kid. I remember being scared every time by the Horseman. Nothing can beat the original, I recommend watching this one first.

Now my parents bought the Tim Burton movie quite a few years ago and  when I saw it my first thought was “Oh Great another Johnny Depp/Tim Burton movie. Actually it is really good and I really enjoy it.

Both are good for the Halloween season and a must watch to get into the spirit.

2.) The Nightmare Before Christmas

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Yes, another Tim Burton movie. This is one of the few movies one can watch both around Christmas time and Halloween, so why not watch it. Also, I love Jack’s Lament from the movie as well. So haunting and beautiful.

3.) Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

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One of my favorite Scooby-Doo movies. I watched this a ton when I was little and this to scared me. I loved the idea that the Zombies were…well I won’t give it away for those that haven’t seen it. I will tell you though, the Island is cursed. Go watch it, I love it!

4.) Hocus Pocus

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For as long as my boyfriend and I have been dating we had been trying to find this movie on DVD in stores, whether used or new. It was impossible, we almost broke down to order it online, when my boyfriend found it by chance at McKay’s! We have already watched this movie about 15 times (at least) since October began.

5.) The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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This movie freaked me out a little when I was younger, it is still slightly scary (I scare easily) but for me you can’t get in the mood without watching Rocky Horror. Every year I watch it and every year I’m still left confused, but amused by it.

Do you watch any of these movies around Halloween? What Halloween movies do you watch that is not on this list?

Inspired by The Nerdy Girlie

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Life As Cindy

Looking for a potential new web series that can fill the gaps in your hearts.

Well look no further, help Cindy be a reality.

The man who co-produced and co- wrote Beetlejuice and co-wrote The Addams Family, Larry Wilson needs your help raising funds for the new web series on Kickstarter.

Cindy is the foster child in a family that is on a reality show. Her Step-mother and Step-siblings treat her like the family maid. The web series though follows her experience and shows her side of the story. Check out their website.

It has dark humor and some disturbing aspects to it just like you would imagine a writer a Beetlejuice and The Addams Family to create. My persona favorite character that I am excited about is the Fairy Godmother who is addicted to fairy dust.

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Cindy is very different from Disney’s Cinderella. I am not sure what to think of Cindy myself, she is very pessimistic, even more than me. Understandable with the situation she is in, but I hope that she develops into a less pessimistic individual if the series is able to get its feet on the ground.

If you love Cinderella, love modern day takes on classic tales, or you are just desperate to see another good web series be developed, please donate to their kickstarter*.



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I am not being paid to advertise this. I am doing solely because I enjoy good stories and I think this series has potential.


Web Series I am Currently Watching

Since the ending of The Lizzie Bennet Diaires, The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, and Emma Approved; I have been needing a new web series to watch.

Thankfully I have  found some web series that have been filling the gap that has been existing for a while. Click on the title of the web series to go straight to the channel to watch it, you won’t regret it.

Frankenstein, MD


A Modern day take on Shelly’s Frankenstein.  Victoria Frankenstein becomes inspired to revitalize the dead when someone close to her dies.  The consequences though are more than she suspects.

I won’t lie, she really irritated me in the beginning and I just wanted to slap her. I know that is part of her character. While I am glad to be watching this series I have felt that her character development has been too fast and not realistic enough for me. Some plot points felt thrown in their just to get the story along.

While I have that it will only be lasting about 25-30 episodes (which is a shame, for this series should be longer with all the material) parts of it could have been done better.

Despite this, I still enjoy it and it makes every Tuesdays and Fridays a little better too.

Classic Alice


Following College student, Alice, who is trying to live her life according to literature and the complications that follow as a result of this decision. Like Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved the characters have twitter accounts you can follow.

What I love about this show is that it is not just adapting one book, it is adapting multiple stories for one long story. The main actress is relate-able and being an English Major I can imagine running into her in one of my classes. There is some potential romance in it and I am glad it is back on (they had to take a break due to funds).  I really enjoy the show and I hope this series goes on for a really long time.

The other really cool part about this show is that is produced and created by women.

I watch this show as soon it comes on every Tuesday and Thursday. I only wish that there were more episodes a week.

What web series are you currently watching? Let me know, I am always looking for new ones!


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5 Characters I would Love to be for Halloween

Halloween is coming up and I am so excited. I already have an idea of which character I want to be for Halloween this year, but these were some of the characters I have come up with.

In no Particular Order:

1.) Velma

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For me this is a no brainer.  She is smart, clever, and a badass. I always thought she was under-appreciated and without her, the team wouldn’t have solved nearly as many cases as they did.

2.) Padme


Besides being a Queen from the Star Wars prequel trilogy at such a young age ,she is strong willed individual and just happens to be the mom of Luke and Leia.

Out of all of her costumes, this is my favorite. I love this costume, since I love renaissance and medieval fashion, makes sense.

3.) Susan Ivanova

susan ivonova



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She is snarky, sarcastic, hilarious, and Russian. She is from the 90’s TV Show Babylon 5, a show that for me was my 1st fandom.

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