Web Series I am Currently Watching

Since the ending of The Lizzie Bennet Diaires, The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, and Emma Approved; I have been needing a new web series to watch.

Thankfully I have  found some web series that have been filling the gap that has been existing for a while. Click on the title of the web series to go straight to the channel to watch it, you won’t regret it.

Frankenstein, MD


A Modern day take on Shelly’s Frankenstein.  Victoria Frankenstein becomes inspired to revitalize the dead when someone close to her dies.  The consequences though are more than she suspects.

I won’t lie, she really irritated me in the beginning and I just wanted to slap her. I know that is part of her character. While I am glad to be watching this series I have felt that her character development has been too fast and not realistic enough for me. Some plot points felt thrown in their just to get the story along.

While I have that it will only be lasting about 25-30 episodes (which is a shame, for this series should be longer with all the material) parts of it could have been done better.

Despite this, I still enjoy it and it makes every Tuesdays and Fridays a little better too.

Classic Alice


Following College student, Alice, who is trying to live her life according to literature and the complications that follow as a result of this decision. Like Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Emma Approved the characters have twitter accounts you can follow.

What I love about this show is that it is not just adapting one book, it is adapting multiple stories for one long story. The main actress is relate-able and being an English Major I can imagine running into her in one of my classes. There is some potential romance in it and I am glad it is back on (they had to take a break due to funds).  I really enjoy the show and I hope this series goes on for a really long time.

The other really cool part about this show is that is produced and created by women.

I watch this show as soon it comes on every Tuesday and Thursday. I only wish that there were more episodes a week.

What web series are you currently watching? Let me know, I am always looking for new ones!


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