Tag Archives: Disney Frozen

Check out this Awesome Lego Frozen Castle!

While browsing on tumblr and taking a break from studying I came across this post

elsa ice palace on tumblr


Screenshot of this post

Isn’t this awesome!

Well, apparently a mother came up with this because he daughter wanted a Frozen Lego palace. Once her son saw it, he loved it too.

I love it. I want it. Fortunately there is a website that can help make this possible. There is a lego website where you can submit your lego ideas. The are two catches though, you have to build it out of current lego materials and you have to get lots of support for it.

Well right now there isn’t that much support for this project, not enough for it to hit stores. I want this set so much and I want this to be available for all children everywhere.

If you love Frozen, Disney, and Legos, or even just one of those please go over to this website now and show you support. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Show it to your kids. I bet they will love it. Even if you don’t have kids right now (or ever), wouldn’t you want to get one for yourself? I know I do.

elsa ice palace thingy

Screenshot of Original 

What do you think of it? Would you buy it for yourself? Let me know in the comments below!





My Theory on the Origin of Elsa’s Powers

Photo Credit 

I was watching Frozen on DVD with a friend who had never sen it before and she actually asked some pretty good questions. The question basically was where do Elsa’s powers come from? After she mentioned that question I began to think. I began to think a lot and asking other questions and observations:

  1. Where do her powers come from?
  2. How old is that book in her fathers library that had information on the trolls?
  3. Why did he have said book in the first place?
  4. How did he know the book existed?
  5. Did he know that the trolls would be able to help or did he need the book to find out?
  6. Did he use the map that fell out of the book to find his way?
  7. He never picks up the map or is seen looking at it.
  8. If he didn’t look at it how did he know where to go?
  9. The king didn’t seem to taken aback by the trolls.
  10. If he has seen the trolls before when? And under what circumstance?
  11. How did the trolls know the king?
  12. The queen didn’t seem too surprised by the trolls either.
  13. How did her father know that the gloves would help?
  14. How can Elsa’s glove hold back her magic?
  15. Elsa’s gloves can hold back her magic, but everything else can’t. Not her shoes, her dress, nothing.
  16. Are her gloves magical?
  17. If they are magical who performed a spell on them? The trolls?
  18. The father said that being afraid and worried would only make things worse. How would he know that, unless he has had some experience with it.
  19. How long had that prison been there in the middle of the lake? Looks kind of old.
  20. That is really strange that that prison cell doesn’t have normal chains that just cover the wrists, but covers the whole hand.
  21. Who knew about the fact that the prison had a cell where the shackles covered the whole wrist?
  22. Were they the one that told Hans?
  23. If they did, I want to hear their story, they are probably old.Other random questions & thoughts
  24. When the servants would clean up after Elsa, wouldn’t they notice the random amounts of water and ice that were always around? After all we see her touching objects with her bare hands at times they immediately were covered with ice.
  25. If they were forbidden to clean up after Elsa didn’t they suspect anything? After all the palace had been locked up for a long time, since they were ages 3 &4.
  26. How can you keep a secret in the castle a secret that long? If we have learned anything from is that servants gossip.
  27. What about Elsa’s dress measurements? I know this sounds far fetched and out there since her powers can go through anything save her gloves how was she measured for her coronation dress? Coronation Day is a huge day for a monarch, they want to look their best.

After I started coming up with these questions, I immediately began come up with theories. I was excited. I believe her powers come from her fathers side. The reason why I believe this is because her father seemed more informed on Elsa’s powers than the mother did. We see the father knowing/having an idea as to what to do when Elsa accidentally strikes Anna in the head. The Father is the first one to run to a bookcase containing an old book that just happens to be in the family library with a map that could lead to the trolls that we see dropped to the floor that the father doesn’t even bother to look at before racing off. Not to mention that once the father gets there, the trolls recognize him, and say, “It’s the King.” That means the trolls have seen him before.

While I wouldn’t be surprised if Elsa’s powers showed up early on when she was a toddler, maybe even a baby, I believe they may have known the king far before that. I believe they have met the King numerous times, before he was King. After all he is the King of Arendelle.

If we are to go with traditional ways that a monarchy works a prince usually marries a princess. That princess will probably come to his land, his castle and once the father of her husband dies, they become King and Queen. With this assumption and the fact he knew this book existed in the library.

Her gloves can shield her magic, but the rest of her, shoes, dress cannot. I mean when she is wearing her famous blue dress we see her ice powers come from her chest which accidentally hits Anna as a result.


If you look closely you can see that her powers are coming from the center of her chest, her heart.

Photo Credit

Here you can see the powers clearly go through her shoes.

She can use her hands to use her powers once the gloves are off.

How can her gloves keep her powers at bay?I believe they are magical. We saw her father give them for her. He tells them thy shoud help. How would he know? Also where did he get them from? Part of me thinks he went back to the trolls to be the gloves, the other part of me believes they already existed within the family.

Even though throughout the movie there has been no indication as to either parent having special powers. T the father has more of an idea what to do with Elsa’s powers than the mother. Also to back track let us we consider the theory that Elsa and Anna’s mom is related to the father of Rpunzel (I prefer this theory over the other one because of these few infographs.)


Queen of Corona, Queen of Arendelle, King of Corona.

c4bb1380e2be6c08d695d4738991d766aba80d3cf7c6e9bdcdeb6d40a6fa4562f74d66d03bc83a92875e27c54eaae976 184eb65125f2fb760e37cc2b78857bfe   1bab56ef9cfe88ba1e56e6e5c56a51c7

For if the power come from Elsa an Anna’s mother it is possible powers would have probably shown up in Rapunzel. Remember Rapunzels healing powers came because her mother drank tea infused with the flower with that special power. (All I keep thinking now is flower power….) I wonder if King of Arendelle’s mother. If not the mother, than perhaps he had two sisters, one of them being Rapunzel’s mom and the other well something a little more tragic would have happened to her.

When it comes to which of his family members could have the ability I am torn. Part of me believes it could be just the mother. Another part of me believes it was both mother and a sister(who is no longer living). While another part of me thinks that it was just a sister. We forget that in royal families it was common to have a few children (not as many as those in the lower class) to create alliances.


If it was the mother (of the King of Arendelle) I like to go with the idea of the original story of The Snow Queen, that actually inspired this movie. The Snow Queen that we know from the original Hans Christian Anderson story, well if the mother just happened to have abilities, (and we know how tales and stories become exaggerated with each telling), I believe the story would be based off her, and not Elsa (yes I know they originally intended Elsa to be the villain from the beginning). It would be a little different, but before I continue let us go back to the beginning of Frozen. Remember the scene in the beginning as they have arrived in the area where all the trolls lived. When grandfather troll asks how did Elsa get the powers, “Born with the powers or cursed?” The King says “born and getting stronger.” Right here we can safely say that he has not brought Elsa to the trolls before now, but the fact he knew they could help is important. It is important to note that he doesn’t see Elsa’s powers as a curse. I like to think she was able to keep the powers a secret from the rest of the world and knew how to control them, as a result, the King learned from listening to her.

If there was more than one member in his family that had abilities I believe that it was the mother and maybe another sister. While I do know that him having another sister comes out of nowhere and I have no proof that he did have another sister. Let us assume that the mother had powers and could control them and one of her daughters too had powers. However the missing sister had a hard time controlling her powers. At first she was at ease with them, but as she got older she became afraid of them. She was scared of what she could do. I think eventually at one point, like Elsa accidentally struck Anna in the heart, this unknown mysterious sister struck either her mother, her father, or both of them. And we all known what happens when someone is struck in the heart.

I think as a result of one or both parents being struck by ice, one or both died. With this happening, there was only one thing that could be done. The sister was locked up, in the same cell where Elsa was locked up- covering her hands to prevent her powers from going out of control.

What happened to the sister, I couldn’t tell you. She could have been exiled into the mountains inspiring the very story of The Snow Queen. Or it could have taken a darker turn….you can imagine. This could have happened while the other sister

Even if the mother didn’t have ice powers, the theory with the mysterious sister could still be applicable. The father knew that worry and fear would only make it more difficult to control her powers. Being sacred of her own powers would only make things worse. He knew about that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that book in the library was part of the research to try to help the sister out. Those gloves could have either belonged to the sister, the mother, or both (at one point).

Either way though, this incident would have had a lasting impact on both the future King of Arendelle and the future Queen of Corona. The King will be forever concerned over what could happen and he tries to prevent things from spiraling out of control. While the future Queen will feel loss the her child more strongly than normal, because she has no mother (and or father) there with her to show her support. This causing the brother (now King of Arendelle) to visit his sister whenever he can, causing little Anna and Elsa to feel the strength of isolation even more. Eventually visiting them once it is learned the Rapunzel has returned and is getting married. This causes them to go on a journey across the sea, only to die in the storm. Which in turn encourages Rapunzel and Eugene to visit Elsa and Anna for Elsa’s birthday and Coronation Day.

That is my theory. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Update as of (5/15/2014) A Reader asked me a question in regards to this post- check out my response here!


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Would you love to hear Idina Menzal sing Let it Go at the Oscars?

While browsing on facebook I came across this post. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to participate.

This past week the Oscars basically snubbed Disney, Idina Menzel, and anyone who loved Frozen’s Let It Go, by awarding U2’s Ordinary Love with an Oscar. Needless to say, I was extremely surprised. I didn’t know U2 had a new song out. To top it off it was featured in a movie about Mandela. That makes sense, he died this past year, so it will make us look good. Sorry I have listened to the song, and it doesn’t have the same impact that Let It Go does.

Let us do a youtube comparison

lets compare lets compare 2

Ordinary Love by U2

Total Views:5,057,585 as off today

Likes: 48,030

Time Watched: 33 years

Subscriptions Driven: 6, 256

Shares: 123,119


Disney’s Let It Go sung By Idina Menzel

Total Views: 42,250,488

Likes: 268, 066

Time Watched: 256 years

Subscription Driven:32,792

Share: 79,854

Seriously the only way that this song wins is in how many times it was shared. That’s it.

I have listened to the song myself. Personally, I think Ordinary Love is bland in comparison to the powerful and moving song sung by Idina Menzel. For some strange reason those who decide who wins are obsessed with U2. They are good, but it is so obvious that Let It Go is a better song.

Fans of the song are upset and people are wanting to show their support. Since people have loved this song so much people are trying to spread the word to have Idina Menzel sing Let It Go at the Oscars. She is even willing to sing at the Oscars!

This needs to happen everyone. The Oscars is March 2, we have about a month to get noticed. #IdinaMenzelOscar whenever you can. On twitter, tumblr, facebook, instagram. Put up flyers even just share this information with everyone so we can make our voices known!

If you have a facebook page that shows support, let me know!


Movie Review: Frozen

ImageSo I went with my family to see Frosen this past Friday. I have been very excited to see this movie since I saw this clip on youtube the very day it was posted.


I remeber when I last looked at it Friday it was around 8 million views. They just continue to grow. And I am pretty sure I contributed to at least 100,000 views

Needless to say I think I have at least contributed to 10,000 of the 14 million and growing views. I was really skeptical at how well this movie was going to be in light of Disney‘s recent  disappointments.

There was so much about this movie that I loved. Seriously there was only one aspect of this movie that I didn’t like and it was so small that I can live with it.


Although it has been out since Thanksgiving Day, so at this point I’m not giving much away.

What I liked:

  • The relationship between Elsa and Anna. What a great development of a sisterly relationship. I don’t have any sisters, that I am related too, I wish I did. For once I was really glad that the focus was not on finding true love, but rather sisterhood and friendship.
  • The Prince was the bad guy. I really really enjoyed that aspect. That the handsome, charming, “kind”, and clever stranger is the bad guy. Sends a great message that sometimes the handsome nice guy isn’t what he appears to be. I enjoyed that immensely.
  • Elsa, the Queen (not a princess like Disney has only acknowledged her as at the parks, will soon have a post on my thoughts on that). I love Elsa. I love her so much. I have no fallen in love with a Disney female character since Belle. Would make sense that I fell in love with a Disney Queen. First of all she has magical powers, second she is beautiful, third, she is strong and yet vulnerable, kind, yet fierce. She is complex and that is why I love her.
  • Anna, the princess. She is not perfect. She is clumsy, she stuffs her face with chocolate, daydreams and acts silly. She is also strong, brave, and caring. She goes off on her own out into the wilderness to find her sister. Not to mention she punched Hans at the end of the movie. That was awesome.
  • Kristoff, the ordinary man. He was the real man, it wasn’t all magic and roses when they first met. He was an ordinary man and their love developed throughout the course of the movie, not right at the beginning. He wasn’t a Prince, he wasn’t the typical dashing and charming man. He was Kristoff, but they fell in love with each other throughout the movie. He was even willing to take her back to another man so she would live, that’s true love.
  • The questioning of the quick engagement. I love how Elsa and Kristoff questions Anna’s engagement right away. Disney is making fun of itself! They have for years espoused the idea of finding true love in an instant and marrying soon after.
  • The graphics (yes I know about the hair and hand in the beginning, but seriously get over yourself), were wonderful. I really enjoyed it a great deal and I love the details. I want to see the movie again just to make sure I didn’t miss anything.
  • The Music. The Music was wonderful, I couldn’t contain myself throughout the movie. I of course already had “Let it Go” memorized so I was mouthing the words along.

Honestly there was only one aspect of this movie that disappointed me. I really wish there had been more of Queen Elsa. I fell in love with her so much. My boyfriend made an excellent point though that if we had seen more of Elsa she may have been portrayed as angsty and that would have been annoying. Still I wish to have seen more Elsa, although I have no idea of how they would have done that.

Although the stars show 4.5, really this is 4.9 stars out of 5 stars. Will probably be one of the few highest rating I ever give a movie. 4.5 stars



Let It Go- Elsa

Let It Go- Elsa

Long formal dress

Olivia Riegel photo frame
$135 – bloomingdales.com
