Daily Archives: September 24, 2014

Sexual Assaults at UT

At the University of Tennessee within a month there were 5 sexual assaults reported all by young women. Knowing the statistics though, the number of sexual assaults that have occurred on a college campus no doubt double that number.

This year the UT Police Department are obligated to send an email out to all the students, faculty, and staff every time a sexual assault is reported to them. The students identity have been kept a secret and none of the young women have chosen to file charges. Out of the 5 that occurred, only 1 of them was by a stranger and that was when that person was going out for a run.

There are three things about this whole situation that have bothered me.

3.) Students reactions to the reports

On anonymous social media apps like Yik Yak, students revealed their true thoughts on the issue. Many blamed the victim. Others made a joke out of it or thought they were simply lying (hence why they aren’t pressing charges).

reminder about rape  lying about rape

Whether it is groping, rape, or another other form of sexual assault, it isn’t funny. Stop joking about it. You are not only making light of the matter, you are empowering and encouraging those committing these horrid actions and you are being disrespectful and hurtful toward the victims.

people saying shit trying to be funny

Thankfully there were a few that said this shit needed to stop.

what is wrong with you be responsible

2.) Not one of them have want to file charges against the individual.

I understand why, one of them probably thought that finding the individual would have been unlikely.



Photo Credit

As for the other young women that knew their assailant, I’m not surprised they didn’t file charges. You don’t feel people would believe you no matter what you do, people will look down on you because of what happened, and people will say that you shouldn’t have put yourself in that situation and question why did you trust him.

They wouldn’t say or lay any of the blame on the one who hurt you, they would just focus all that blame on you instead.

So before anyone out there lays all the blame on the victim check yourself and stop judging.

1.) It’s happening.

The fact that its happeing. The fact that there are students on campus going through this, is terrible. No one should have to go through this.

While I am glad that more awareness is being brought to this problem, it is sad that it still exists. It is sad that young women are afraid to file charges and its sad that sexual assailants get away unscared.


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Do you Read?

do you read

Whenever I meet someone I don’t judge them on their politics, their religion, or what movies they like. I judge on whether or not they like reading.

I’m not talking about reading magazine articles, or blog posts. No, I am talking about reading books. They are usually thick and filled with words. Most of the time they have a plot and great character development.

I have met individuals that actually don’t like reading. People who don’t like reading baffle me. I’m not including people who don’t like reading because they find it hard or difficult, I am talking about people who don’t like reading, just because they don’t like reading.

I don’t get you. I don’t.

I love reading and I love books. There is an opportunity to discover a variety of stories and knowledge that exist out there. For people to not like reading, they have cut themselves off from all that potential of learning and reading great stories.

For me if you don’t read, we might as well just part our separate ways, its not that I don’t like you, but a majority of my life involves books. I’m an English & History major, I plan on going to grad school for library information science. I plan on writing books.

Books are my life.

If you don’t like reading, the likelihood of our friendship lasting (or starting) is slim to none.

This post was in spired by The Daily Post

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