Do you Read?

do you read

Whenever I meet someone I don’t judge them on their politics, their religion, or what movies they like. I judge on whether or not they like reading.

I’m not talking about reading magazine articles, or blog posts. No, I am talking about reading books. They are usually thick and filled with words. Most of the time they have a plot and great character development.

I have met individuals that actually don’t like reading. People who don’t like reading baffle me. I’m not including people who don’t like reading because they find it hard or difficult, I am talking about people who don’t like reading, just because they don’t like reading.

I don’t get you. I don’t.

I love reading and I love books. There is an opportunity to discover a variety of stories and knowledge that exist out there. For people to not like reading, they have cut themselves off from all that potential of learning and reading great stories.

For me if you don’t read, we might as well just part our separate ways, its not that I don’t like you, but a majority of my life involves books. I’m an English & History major, I plan on going to grad school for library information science. I plan on writing books.

Books are my life.

If you don’t like reading, the likelihood of our friendship lasting (or starting) is slim to none.

This post was in spired by The Daily Post

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