Daily Archives: June 10, 2014

June Blog Challenge #10: Leave A Legacy


We all want to have an impact on the world. We all want to make a Difference.

I know I do.

What is the legacy you want to leave behind? What do you want to be remembered for? How do you want to impact the world?

You must include at least 3 moments where you have failed and at least 3 moments where you have succeed.



If you are looking for an extra challenge or if you are still itching to writing an extra post here is my challenge for you…

Remember that Challenge from Day #2?  Where I asked if there was any aspect of your life that you could change and improve on. Well, have you been working on that?  And be honest, that is the only way you can make progress.

What did you do to work on/overcome your challenge today? Are you happy with the start you have made? Are you not happy? If you haven’t started already, telling me your game plan.


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A Shock From the Past


Photo Credit

The State of Tennessee has brought back something that I never thought I would hear about being used in my lifetime.

The Electric Chair.

There is an exception to the rule, the chair is only allowed to be used when the drugs used for lethal injection for the typical death penalty is unavailable.

I can’t believe it. The electric chair.

I remember watching the history of the elctric chair that it wasn’t efficent and the person was only rendered unconscious, than the blood vessels were ruptured when they tried a second time. It took about 10 minutes for him to die, the executioner shocking him multiple times.

Of course the technology has advanced since the chair was first used in 1890.

I only believe in the death penalty in extreme cases. If they are people like Hitler, Osama Bi Laden, Stalin, etc. I understand completely.

But for everybody else, no. I don’t believe in the death penalty.

While I don’t believe we should coddle them and have them living the high life being able to work out, watch TV, etc. for their crimes, they shouldn’t be treated in a inhumane manner either. I do think they should have to work and contribute to society since they have commited a crime. Doing the jobs that people don’t want to do.

Those are my thoughts.

I am still amazed the chair is back.


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