Daily Archives: May 26, 2014

I Am Sick of College

Normally by your 4th and last year in college you are over it. Senioritis has hit and you just don’t care anymore. You are over papers, done with exams, and ready to live your life.

Well, I want you to imagine being in college for 6 straight years. 6 years.


It’s not like I have been lazy, life has happened. My physical health (which you can read about here) and my mental health ( which you can read about here) have been huge factors as to why it has taken me so long to finish college.

It is also the reason why I am soooooooo sick of it.

I am tired of having to take classes. I am tired of having to write papers on topics that I have no passion to write. I am tired of having to wake up, go to class, do homework, and only be rewarded with a letter grade. I am tired of reading. I am simply sick and tired of college.

What makes it worse is that I have 2 years of undergrad to go. For some reason I thought it would be a great idea to double major, since I am already in the double major hole, the only option I have is to climb my way out to it.

To make things more difficult I have to go to grad school.


That in itself will last 2-3 years and while I am excited about the thought of being in Grad school, the thought of being in school for 4-5 more years makes me cry inside.

I have seriously though about taking a semester up to a year off of college. I have actually thought about just working full-time for that year. However there is a lot of things that have stopped me from quitting college.

  1. All the Debt! I believe it is after 6 months of not being in college I have to start paying back my debt. While I know it is important and I’m not trying to runaway from that responsibility….having a minimum wage job even at full-time can only help so much.
  2. Once I leave, I am not going back. If you have been in college as long as I have, you never want to go back. You get tired of all the college drama, writing papers, studying for exams, etc. Not to mention running into people who are 4 years younger than you, all excited about college.
  3. 90% of me actually wants to get my degree. I have been in college this long, might as well.
  4. Having a degree is needed to get a job, especially in the library field. In general it is extremely hard to get a job/career today even with a college degree (another reason why I feel so down), so imagine those that don’t have a degree. I imagine that all the time and that helps me stay in school
  5. I’m gonna have to take care of my family when they can no longer take care of themselves. This is related to the previous one. My parents both have health issues and my brother has autism.

I just want to live my life. I want to write already! I want to have a career! I don’t like living in my parents house (even though I love my parents, I want to live on my own)! I want to have my own place. I want to have my own car. I want to have a job/career to start working on. I know success doesn’t happen overnight, but this is getting ridiculous.

Thankfully last year I graduated from Pellissippi State with an Associates so I can say I do have a degree of sorts, but not one that can actually help me. An Associates, usually, isn’t that helpful.

So, when people complain to me of how sick of college they are I will try to be understanding, but unless you have been in college just as long as me or longer this girl right here isn’t going to be as sympathetic.


By Airnix on deviant art. Click the link below to go to their page!

Photo Credit

I just want to be done with college. I don’t want to be in college anymore, but I have to to get the job I want.

What was (is) your college experience like? Let me know in the comments below!
